
Certified vs Uncertified Seed In The Industrial Hemp Market

Written by Henry the Hemp Fiber Expert | Dec 5, 2023 2:31:04 PM

The Hemp Fiber and Grain Association is a resource for farmers to learn more about industrial hemp fiber and grain farming. Our team has recommendations for where to buy hemp seed for planting, best practices for planting hemp fiber and grain, how to effectively harvest your crop, and ultimately sell the crop to a local processor. 

As the agricultural landscape embraces the resurgence of industrial hemp, farmers are presented with crucial decisions, none more impactful than the choice between certified and uncertified planting seed. In the realm of hemp cultivation, AOSCA (Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies) certification emerges as a key factor, influencing not only regulatory compliance but also the accessibility of lucrative markets, particularly in the food industry. 

Here is a list of HFGA-certified hemp seed providers.

The AOSCA Seal of Approval: Ensuring Genetic Purity and Quality

Certified hemp planting seed bears the AOSCA seal, signifying adherence to stringent standards for genetic purity, varietal identity, and quality. AOSCA certification ensures that the seed you sow is true to its specified variety, minimizing the risk of unintended genetic variations and promoting the uniformity of your hemp crop.

Regulatory Compliance: Navigating Legal Requirements with AOSCA Certification

In the evolving landscape of hemp regulation, AOSCA certification is a beacon for farmers navigating legal requirements. Many regions and countries require AOSCA-certified planting seeds as part of compliance with hemp cultivation regulations. By choosing certified seed, farmers align themselves with regulatory standards, mitigating potential legal challenges and ensuring a smoother cultivation process. 

Two major distinctions will drive the adoption of AOSCA-certified seeds throughout America.

Field Testing Requirements

Each state has different requirements for THC testing, which can increase the costs of farming considerably. For example, in Michigan testing for THC with non-certified seed is $250/field, every year. This changes the economics of small farmers or regions with smaller fields. For certified seed, a farmer can apply to have that seed approved, which means after the first year they do not need to do THC testing on their fields.

Grain Buyers

Selling your grain harvest is the entire purpose of raising industrial hemp. Hemp grain is a sensitive seed, that can expire if treated improperly. Because of this, grain buyers are more strict about the drying and storage processes for grain, along with the genetics used. 

Few grain buyers are actively buying non-certified grain, which can put farmers in a bad situation if they expect to sell uncertified grain. It is important to be aware of this during your grain selection process.

Access to Premium Markets: AOSCA Certification and the Food Industry

For farmers eyeing the lucrative hemp food market, AOSCA certification is a gateway to premium opportunities. Many food processors and manufacturers prioritize AOSCA-certified seeds due to the assurance of quality and consistency. Certified planting seed not only meets the rigorous standards set by AOSCA but also aligns with the expectations of discerning consumers seeking hemp-derived products with traceable and reliable origins.

Consistency in Crop Performance: AOSCA Certification for Yield Assurance

Certified planting seed provides a level of assurance in crop performance. AOSCA-certified hemp seed is carefully tested for germination rates, vigor, and other performance metrics. This attention to detail translates into a more predictable and reliable crop, minimizing the variability that can be associated with uncertified seeds. Consistency in crop performance is not only crucial for maximizing yields but also for meeting the quality standards expected in various hemp-related industries. 

AOSCA-Certified Seed as a Long-Term Investment: Ensuring Crop Integrity

Investing in AOSCA-certified planting seed is a strategic decision with long-term implications. While the initial cost may be slightly higher, the assurance of crop integrity, compliance with regulations, and access to premium markets make it a sound investment for the future of your hemp farming endeavors. The long-term benefits far outweigh the upfront expenses, positioning AOSCA-certified seed as a foundation for sustainable and successful hemp cultivation. 

AOSCA-Certified Seed as the Cornerstone of Hemp Farming Success

As you embark on your industrial hemp farming journey, the choice between certified and uncertified planting seed is a pivotal decision. AOSCA certification not only ensures genetic purity and regulatory compliance but also opens doors to premium markets, particularly in the food industry. Consider AOSCA-certified seed as the cornerstone of your hemp farming success, laying the groundwork for a thriving and sustainable agricultural venture. Sow the seeds of success with AOSCA certification and watch your hemp fields flourish.

Welcome to the Hemp Fiber and Grain Association – where the future farms.