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hemp fiber winter wheat

Plant Hemp Fiber Behind Winter Wheat

The HFGA team has partnered with Heartland to develop unique, regional crop rotations for farmers to adopt hemp fiber with minimal risk.

The Winter Wheat rotation is best implemented in Northern latitudes as a second crop.

hemp fiber bales

“Our wheat farmers make an additional $215 profit per acre. ”

Tim Almond

Chairman & COO of Heartland Industries

certified hemp seed buy hemp association
certified seed

Certified Hemp Seed Selection

Identifying the right seed to plant is an important choice, so make sure you have all the information.

The HFGA team recommends Certified Seed to our farming community because of the reduced government oversight and simplified approval process.

field preparation

Field Preparation

The HFGA team recommends using a low tillage disc for planting hemp fiber or grain crops, giving you a great seed bed without disturbing too much soil.

You can use traditional chisel plow and no-till methods if preferred.

regenerative ag disc tillage hemp association
hemp seed planter tractor grain drill
planting hemp fiber

Planting Hemp Fiber

Hemp fiber planting is based on the region you raise crops in and the seed used.

The Heartland team has historically seen success with 7-inch rows, planting 50 lb of seed to the acre.

Discuss with your off-take partner the preferred planting methods to get the best yield.

harvesting hemp grain

Harvesting Hemp Grain

Hemp grain is very sensitive. Once harvested with the same header as soybeans or wheat, general recommendations are to have the grain at a local dryer within 3-4 hours to reduce moisture to 8% to prevent spoiling. Hemp grain can be stored in a traditional bin.

Specifics will be provided by your off-take partner.

hemp farming tractor combine hemp association
hemp fiber baling tractor hemp association
harvesting hemp fiber

Harvesting Hemp Fiber

The only equipment we've seen successfully cut hemp fiber is a kemper header or a sickle bar.

Once cut, let the fiber dry in the field to less than 15% moisture. Windrow the fiber and bale it.

Specifics on round or square bales and the size/weight will be provided by your off-take partner.

growth partner

Your Growth Partner

When planting a new crop, it's important to know who you are going to sell it to and grow your business with.

HFGA was created to simplify that process for you, identifying buyers that will make your production sucesssful.

hemp fiber sale partner hemp association


Acres Farmed 2023


Tons of Hemp Fiber 2023


Tons of Hemp Grain 2023


Avg. Premium on Corn